Can You Eat Raw Canned Abalone?

Learn how to safely eat raw canned abalone! Find out what precautions you need to take when consuming this delicacy.

Can You Eat Raw Canned Abalone?

Abalone is a delicacy that can be enjoyed in various ways. If you have canned abalone, you can simply remove it from the can and heat the seasoning in a microwave-safe dish. Cut the abalone into thin slices and serve it with your meal, pouring the hot seasoning over it.

If you prefer to cook fresh abalone, grilling it upside down on a grill is a popular method. This allows the abalone to cook in its own juices, resulting in a tender texture. The natural taste of abalone is buttery and salty due to the water it lives in.

In some cuisines, abalone is eaten raw, particularly in Japan. The meat is carefully removed from the shell, and the organs are removed. It is then washed to remove any dirt or sand. Slicing the abalone for sashimi can vary depending on the chef's preference.  It's important to note that when handling abalone shells, the dust created by grinding and cutting them can be toxic. Therefore, caution should be taken to avoid inhaling fine dust particles.

Abalone is considered a luxurious seafood and is highly valued for its unique texture and flavor. It can also be pan-fried to highlight its sweetness and butteriness.  When purchasing abalone, some people trust brands like Calmex, which has been a trusted brand for over 50 years. However, it's essential to ensure that abalone is obtained legally and sustainably.  Overall, abalone can be enjoyed in various ways, whether it's cooked, canned, or eaten raw. Just remember to handle the shells with caution and appreciate this delicacy in moderation.  The Chinese give each other gifts of abalone during the festive season to wish each other an abundance of wealth in the coming year.

When you look at the abalone from above, with the back side facing you (the apex), the respiratory pores run along the left side. Traditionally, abalone is found in the Ocean, the United States and the Indo-Pacific region, as well as in Great Britain and Japan.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating abalone in this way, as fishermen have already boiled (steamed) the abalone before sealing it in a can. The fact that abalone shells are quite heavy only exacerbates the problem since one kilo caught translates to approximately 250 grams of meat.

In Japan, a common dish is an abalone prepared as sashimi or sushi, totally raw and thinly sliced for consumption. The unique texture and flavor make abalone one of the most precious seafoods in the world, and with good reason. Pan frying is another common cooking method that highlights the delicious sweetness and butter of abalone.

California Mexico Abalone (Mexico), 454g As mentioned above, some abalone connoisseurs trust Calmex or Chuen Jia Fu abalone, particularly because it has been a trusted brand. Calmex has been established for more than 50 years since 1957. Residents of local communities receive money or drugs from major unions for the illegal collection of abalone at sea which is then exported abroad.

The Japanese have a special fondness for abalone (awabi in Japanese), since people thought it was the elixir of life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating abalone this way: fishermen already cook (steam) the abalone before sealing it in a can.

Put the abalone under cold running water and with a small disinfected brush rub aggressively to remove as much black coating as possible. The dust produced by crushing and cutting abalone shells is toxic and sculptors and sculptors should be careful not to inhale fine dust particles.